mercredi 22 octobre 2014
Mage 2:0 Speech Synthesis
Digiti Sonus / Fingerprint
Paper ; explanation ; demo
New Interfaces for Musical Expression
Conferences in designing human-computer interfaces and interactions for musical performance,since 2007
2014 edition
Past NIMEs
2014 edition
Past NIMEs
mardi 21 octobre 2014
Augmented Saxophone
Miha Ciglar is an audio engineer and sound artist, working at the intersection of art and technology.
One of his work id this soxophone.
The goal was to find an interfacing method, which would allow a single musician (a saxophone player) to control or play both instruments (computer and saxophone) at the same time.
One of his work id this soxophone.
The goal was to find an interfacing method, which would allow a single musician (a saxophone player) to control or play both instruments (computer and saxophone) at the same time.
Nagual Dance
In NAGUAL DANCE, you are no longer dancing to the music, you are creating the music through your own dance.
lundi 20 octobre 2014
jeudi 16 octobre 2014
Music and Technology Start Up's?
Maybe we can't get to Slovenia - but it would be interesting to see what's going on here...
Festival site
Festival site
samedi 11 octobre 2014
vendredi 10 octobre 2014
Baraque volante
mais comment se fait-ce ?
Il y a évidement une astuce que je vous invite a découvrir dans l'article.
jeudi 2 octobre 2014
Le Cirque du Soleil dresse ses drones à coups d'algorithmes
Le cirque du soleil a nouvelle attraction à son spectacle :
Ces drones sont utilisé car ils ont une précision bien plus grande que celle d'un humain et peuvent donc réaliser des action plus complexe.
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